Lean Healthcare: Demand, Data Collection, and Analysis

1 module

Leading Edge Group

$220.00 AUD


Data collection and analysis are important in bringing meaningful change to healthcare. The process must be approached with care in order to accurately represent the situation. The course introduces the methods and components of data collection, as well as several analytical techniques that enable pattern recognition and trend analysis.


  • Identify the four characteristics and two types of data
  • Identify potential sources of variation which may affect precision and accuracy of results
  • Describe the considerations of data collection and components of data collection plan
  • Describe the pros and cons of data collection methods
  • Describe four types of sampling approaches and the benefits of each
  • Describe the Lean metrics of time, cost, quality and output
  • Calculate takt time based on client demand and time available
  • Describe and calculate lead time, cycle time, value-added, and non value-added time
  • Explain the relationship between work in progress, throughput, and lead time
  • Apply Littleā€™s Law to patient flow calculations
  • Describe the Pareto Principle and how it evaluates casual relationships
  • Evaluate data using trend analysis, stratification, disaggregation, and aggregation
  • Draw conclusions and implement realistic plans based on real scenarios

Lean Healthcare: Demand, Data Collection, and Analysis
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